Monday, July 26, 2010
So here is some good news. We have a family that have been taking lessons from the missionaries for about two months now and they have agreed to get baptized as a family. I am sooo excited and happy for them. They have shared with us how the book of mormon and the church has changed their lives. Their names are Jack, Denise and Jake Bishop. A wonderful family I wish you could meet. You can see the change in their lives and in their countenance. It's such a wonderful thing to experience and see. They are hoping to be baptized by the 21st of August so please keep them in your prayers. Pray that they continue to progress and that they may have the strength to overcome any challenges they may face within the month ahead.
Now for a little bad news! My trainer and companion Elder McMaster is being transferred! I am extremely saddened by this but I know that it is the Lords will. I may not agree or like the fact that he is leaving but I trust my Mission President and know that he receives revelation from God. I don't think that I am ready to continue in this area without him but I guess that's where I need to rely heavily on the Lord. He has trained me well and has become a very close friend of mine. I am going to hate to see him leave. But these past few weeks have given me experiences that I believe are very critical in helping me to overcome this period of time. I know that things will be fine but its so very scary and undaunting if you know what I mean. I was never good with change. LoL...
That is the status with me as of now.
Elder Jesse-James Watson